Little Aiden: A Feelings Book for Toddlers (Little Aiden Series) by Albert & Anna Choi & Illustrated by Bettina Brasko - Book Review

Wednesday, April 19, 2023


image centered on the book cover for Little Aiden A feelings Book for Toddlers that shows a little boy with black hair and bouncy balls

*I received an E-ARC of this book. All opinions are my own.*

This is one of those children's books that, while being excellent for its target audience, is also so repetitive that, if you're an adult, your brain is about to have a bad time. Having said that, I believe that reading a book about feelings is always a good idea. Especially since this book is reassuring the reader (and possible reading assistants) that feelings are normal and okay. There's nothing wrong with feeling sad or mad. We will go through a wide range of emotions throughout our lives, so it is best to learn early on that the best course of action is to simply feel them. Too many generations have been taught to suppress their emotions.

Rating: ★★★☆☆ 3/5

Should you read it?

This is a wonderful resource to use for young children and toddlers when beginning to explore different emotions.

Book & Author Information: Goodreads

Published: December 17, 2022

Albert Choi: Goodreads 

Anna Choi: Goodreads

Bettina Brasko: Goodreads

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